
by reptiles October 4, 2002
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A form of hard earth, larger than a stone or pebble but not quite as large as a boulder. Usually gray.

Do you really need to look this up?
He threw that rock in his face. That guy's in the hospital now.
by That ballin' kid January 8, 2007
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to man, use, wear, or operate
i suggest you rock those particular shoes to the company ball.
by kannon September 10, 2003
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best music, people who are dissing it have only heard the crappy pop rock that gets played on mtv
by grisha July 16, 2003
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1)Something, usually an event, that is enjoyable, fun, kickass etc
2)A form of praise or thanks
The club rocked last night
Thanks for getting me a drink man - you rock!
by Malibu Spike April 17, 2004
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a large stone used to chuck at people
I chucked that stone at bob and it hurt him and he said ouch
by Devin March 8, 2004
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A rock will stop a skateboard and send you flying.
by Skatersrfagslol August 6, 2008
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