1) The belief that a particular rice is superior to others.
2) Discrimination or prejudice based on rice.
Nate: Please pass the white rice.
Curt: Why's it gotta be white?
Nate: What? I like the white rice better.
Curt: You got a problem with the brown rice? What, are you ricist ??

(This is a direct transcript of actual events. The names have been changed for an inside joke.)
by Unique Rob July 24, 2008
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Someone who has a bias against the excessive use (or ownership) of rice.
He opened the cabinet and saw a 50 pound bag of rice, and being a ricist, he thought that was too much rice.
by TheBeaker March 11, 2008
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a person who believes in ricism, the doctrine that a certian rice is superior to any or all others
"one could say I am a ricist" says Stevie after claiming she could never go back to eating white rice
by Bree3 November 6, 2011
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A person who acts racist or with a hate towards Asian people, particularly in regards to cuisine or implements such as chopsticks.
Man did you see that guy make that fugly face at my curried chicken and then mock my chopstick motions? Man, what a fucking Ricist!
by Spikey P. December 11, 2016
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A person with a prejudiced belief that one culture's rice is superior to other cultures.
When Masako refused a plate of Indian rice, saying it was not as good as Japanese rice, her horrified friend said, "You are so RICIST!"
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One who prefers a certain type of rice over others.
Tom is such a ricist...He only likes white rice!
by Kayajohnjitsu February 28, 2020
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Someone who thinks white rice is superior to brown rice.
White rice: "You guys are taking all our jobs away. Go back to your country!"
Brown rice: "Don't be such a ricist"
by silverfruit July 31, 2018
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