
going backwards or in reverse, back to a previous era in style or appearance; from the Sputnik-Space Race Era ... retro rockets, firing retro rockets enabled a space craft to break orbit and return to the gravitational pull of the earth for re- entry
Now firing retro rockets. Roger, Mission Control!
by Frankie & Johnny April 8, 2005
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anally retentive, self important, blind to how stupid they are
Im a cock gobbling monster - give me your cock to gobble or Ill ban you from p2p cos I'm retro the un-powerfull
by n00bomatic May 22, 2011
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Anything pulled of the 80's era.
by D. Ferrel September 29, 2003
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In the Ghetto hood where ballas are sometime go for da style of old school. like ben wallace from nba wit the fro
by |1|T-Mac August 20, 2003
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(a)like oldschool-but gay
(b)what scooby doo says
(a)Retro fashions suck because fashions suck.

(b)shaggy,"look a scary monster!"
scooby, "!Retro!"
by Death_Comes _Ripping February 16, 2005
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Anything that is worn by an african american in the hood these days.
Shit man! Look at all these retros! They might as well call this store retrolocker. Word.
by bzak October 28, 2003
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When someone calls out and notices something randomly amazing. They usually say this at a time of disuse because it didn't make any sense.

When a person says something that was not meant to be said, but it was better off that way.
Steph: Omigod, Gary look at this text my bf sent me, it says "go fuck yourself in a hotel room with a bunch of niggers watching." Oop, wrong text!!

Gary: Ohhh, that is soooooooooooooooo retro.
by UndeniableRetard April 19, 2009
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