A reservation consistently placed at the same time and day each week, such as that for a favorite restaurant.
He has a standing reservation there and brings in a new girl to treat out each week.
by Pap¡ February 14, 2017
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In West coast slang, high quality marijuana. usually a higher price. Grade A stuff.
Kevin: What type of bud should I get?

Nat: Get some kind of private reserve strain .
by hallucimate October 16, 2017
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Federal Reserve is a private bank of the NWO/Bilderberg old fat cats.

The fat cat international bankers,

(1) buy top leaders around the world, then

(2) create private banks called the "Federal Reserve," "Central Bank of Xcountry…,” "Bank of xxcountry"

(3) detach paper currency from the Gold standard;

(4) use the Treasury to print, horde, or release currency, to bubble or bust countries around the world. To gain power and mo resources.

George Soros is their most famous member.
The 2011 Wall Street Rioters are rioting at the wrong place. They should be in front of the Federal Reserve building. Fed is the Head, while Wall Street is only the hands.
by thisisacrazyyear October 2, 2011
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Steel Reserve is an intoxicationg liquid customarily found in 22 oz cans and in the value-packed 40 oz glass bottles. Now, normally I'd be compelled to use the word "beer", but that's not going to cut the mustard. This is a HIGH GRAVITY LAGER. That's what they say. After drinking this, you'll feel like someone increased the Earth's gravity field by 70%. Don't get me wrong, it's hands down the best bang for your drinking dollar... but you'll probably get arrested if you drink more than a forty ouncer. So be careful! I have hallucinated and time travelled under the influence of steel reserve.
After I drank a couple of forties of STEEL RESERVE I felt brave enough to fight a cop! And the cop felt brave enough to Taser me till I shit my pants.
by mommyithertz September 28, 2004
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The lingering powder in the back of your nasal cavity that drips down your throat and just keeps giving you an extra boost after you've already been blowing lines.
"Damn! I thought I had snorted down all of that adderall, but I keep tapping into my reserve tank."

"Good thing I still have some blow left in my reserve tank. I'm all out of lines."
by agenthb April 16, 2010
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the federal reserve is to the great depression, current credit/liquidity crisis, sharply falling dollar, inequitable global landscape, and social political and economic instability as mother is to her child.
by lili estin March 22, 2008
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A code which means the removal of a dead body and incriminating evidence. Normally followed by a number which communicates the number of bodies that need to be removed.
John Wick: "I'd like to make a dinner reservation for 12."
by You'll Thank Me Later January 2, 2016
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