15 definitions by Pap¡

The smoothest and softest of hands that result in the happiest of endings.

See happy ending.
Mary Jane's hands are so ridiculously soft I jizzed my pants. They were like happy ending hands...
by Pap¡ July 13, 2016
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About 10 minutes and 40 seconds into the "Vietnam" episode of Anthony Bourdain's "No Reservations" TV show, the travel guide refers to the porcupine as a squeezle.
Anthony Bourdain: Okay. So...uh, Linh, what's for lunch?
Travel Guide Linh: For lunch we have some hazard animal. Let's get in and check out.
Anthony Bourdain: Okay. What kind of animal could we be talking about?
Travel Guide Linh: Uh, I guess it's a...squeezle...
by Pap¡ October 4, 2016
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- easily agitated
- explosive
- anal
- salty
- toxic
- unpleasant
Damn... why are you so gassy today?
by Pap¡ January 17, 2017
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(Not literally) a confused person even though this person probably should be as cognizant a famous Chinese philosopher
Whoa whoa slow down I'm Confucius
by Pap¡ October 21, 2016
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"Hombre" is "man" in Spanish.
"Breh" is a bastardization of the word "brother."
An hombreh is a man who you also consider to be one of your bros.
Man 1: Sup foo.

Man 2: What up hombreh?
by Pap¡ September 28, 2017
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A black choker necklace identifies individuals who love to suck dicks and are probably professionals at it. Therefore they have a black belt (around the neck) in sucking dick
Dang she looks like she sucks a lot of dick. Look at that choker, it's like she has a black belt in sucking dick.
by Pap¡ March 1, 2017
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A reservation consistently placed at the same time and day each week, such as that for a favorite restaurant.
He has a standing reservation there and brings in a new girl to treat out each week.
by Pap¡ February 14, 2017
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