
To make returned merchandise ready to be sold again. This may or may not include repairing defects.
What do you think we are, a repair shop? Just paint over the defect and send it to the warehouse.
by Downstrike June 5, 2004
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An excuse to go on a trip and drink beers with Mr Smitts. Unless you are on the "B" team, because then you have to go to Quebec and work like un chien. la difference used refurbishing trips to tell all the guy his secrets.
GUY! There is a refurbish trip to Chaboogammooo coming up, round up les miserables and sends them to the darks sides!
by Steve Shawarma February 28, 2005
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any abused, broken, defective electronics returned to the manufacturer, retail or online store within the warranty, refund, exchange period and re-sold to unsuspecting consumers in the same miserable condition, believing that the item was "restored to factory conditions".
Consumer, "So this refurbished iPod is pretty much like new?" Seller, "Oh, but of course!"
by VRod007 June 5, 2010
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The process of restoring a product by cleaning, repairing, recovering, and reusing the item for its original intended use
by fuck u tooo August 7, 2006
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to take the metal and glass off of an iphone and put new ones on it
i just bought a refurbished iphone
by penut butter395875 May 31, 2009
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To excrete feces into another's anus.
I gave your mom a refurbishment last night; she enjoyed it thoroughly.
by Sicko July 13, 2004
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refurbished box

A post sex reassignment surgery organ
cindy's transition is almost compete. she just needs a refurbished box.
by Jonny1nut January 15, 2018
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