red alert

A Command and Conquer series game made by Westwood Studios.

The plot: Albert Einstein tries to stop by WWII by going back in time and killing Hitler. He accomplishes his mission, but little does he know that Josef Stalin decides to build a massive army and proceeds to take over Europe. Thus, The Great World War Two starts.

Considered one of the greatest RTS (real time strategy) games.
n00b: d00d i wuz playen red alert adn i totly pwned hiz bais wit a lazer d00d rush!!11111oneone

Red Alert player: Do you even know what Red Alert is?
by skater910 August 23, 2004
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red alert

When you're on the absolute brink of shitting your pants.

The red alert qualifies as a personal, social, and bodily emergency of the highest order. It involves the explosive evacuation of the bowels and the imminent destruction of one's underwear and trousers if a lavatory is not located at once.

The red alert is a joke for everyone but the victim.
Victim: Ken, I'm not fuckin' around. This is a red alert!

Ken: Hahaha. All right, loosen your belt and pinch your cheeks, we're almost at Denny's.
by Nobody0000 March 28, 2010
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red alert

having to fart while at a bar.
yell red alert, your crew moves before it smells....
by brandi-charity July 11, 2008
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Red Alert

When you see a ginger walk in the room.
"Red alert guys, it seems the daywalker decided to come..."
by TYHD February 9, 2009
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Red Alert

When smoking a Marlboro Red after smoking shitty cigarettes for a month and recieving a nicotine "buzz" after your first drag.
"We're out of the Kools, lets smoke a Red."
"Woah dude...Red Alert!"
by Hawihonne December 3, 2009
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Red Alert

Red Alert is one of the dope old school cats
by AC January 31, 2004
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Red Alert

The most popular GameFAQs board user. Ask for him on RI!
Wow, Red Alert is cool.
by Red Alert January 5, 2004
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