A penis, especially an erect one. Heard in the Naked Gun series of movies. So named because of the tendency of the glans to turn purplish-pink when engorged with blood.
by bws55 August 27, 2007
by ThE sTeVe MaN March 12, 2005
The anonymous person from above's one inch dick. Yes, I said, but one inch.
Seriously, a purple headed warrior is an erect penis (purple from all the blood).
Seriously, a purple headed warrior is an erect penis (purple from all the blood).
by Just Plain...Awesome December 28, 2005
Get the purple headed warrior mug.
Can I insert my purple headed warrior up your quivering mound of love pudding and explore every crevis of your femmininity
by AiyUpCocka September 13, 2018
Masturbating - Commonly known as 'Wanking'
Not so commonly Known as 'Choking the Bald Guy til he's Sick'
Not so commonly Known as 'Choking the Bald Guy til he's Sick'
by Tom Mc July 10, 2006
by mikey mcg August 15, 2006