pulling the trigger

The art of purging ones stomach at a party when there is too much alcoholic fluid in the stomach. This is usually fallowed By consuming more alcohol. to replace the alcohol that was in the stomach cavity. This will most likely impress the ladies.
At a party I had to pull the trigger to make room for the 4 beer funnel that i was about to do. After pulling the trigger and making the girls sick i did the 4 beers through the funnel
by Fupa Gile March 15, 2007
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pulling the trigger

to knowingly commit to the most wreckless action with the widest possible consequences
i thought my girl was fuckin with some random buhl last night, think they mighta fucked. Really considering pulling the trigger on this relationship and murdering this hoe
by ñoñoto November 17, 2020
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pull the trigger

1. to take decisive action with no certainty of the outcome
2. To make a decision that may very well require inflicting a result that is detrimental to self or others.
Although I know this family has know where to go, and that I may lose my rental because of the loss of rents, i am going to "pull the trigger" and evict the family.
by Lorenzo Davis February 13, 2008
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pull the trigger

to make an irreversible decision.
akin to shooting a gun- once the bullet leaves the barrel it is on its path.
after the cancer treatment didn't work for johnny he decided to pull the trigger and quit.
by jilm October 22, 2016
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pull the trigger

To purchase something, often a big-ticket, expensive item. Often used by geeks on enthusiast forums.
Person A: "So, are you gonna pull the trigger?"

Person B: "Nah, I'll wait for the new model."
by iUberGeek May 27, 2010
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pull the trigger

To force oneself to puke by sticking a finger down the throat...used in the drinking sense, rather than the bulimic sense.
When we got to the 150th minute of trying to join the bicentennial club, I realized I might have to pull the trigger if I wanted to stay in the game.
by Nick D May 10, 2004
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pull the trigger

To initiate positive change in a new romantic relationship. This could take the form of telling someone you like them, asking someone on a first date, or kissing them. Pulling the trigger can also be shortened to p.t.t.
"How'd it go with her last night? Did you pull the trigger"
"Oh, you know... a gentlemen never tells."
"You're the man!"
by Nathan Shep May 27, 2007
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