
A slang term depicting a play in basketball. In said play, a player dunks the ball over top or in front of another player, making a play so picturesque that it may appear on a poster, hence the term, posterized.

Some players may have their own versions of this, such as Greg Ostertag of the Sacramento Kings. When someone is 'posterized' by Ostertag, they are 'Osterized'. This pay is known as 'dirty' and 'ugly' and is generally unwanted throughout the NBA.
a) Yo man! VC just posterized the Pistons! Ben Wallace, you's a poster!

b) (taken from live stat tracking)

3:44 4th - G. Ostertag dunks the ball.
3:44 4th - Officials timeout for audience to throw up in bathroom.
by Uncle Ben November 29, 2004
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a Basketball term meaning to embarrass some one usually while slamming the ball over them. It refers to the guy whos being dunked on in basketball posters.
"Wow that guy just got posterized!"
by j-la August 23, 2003
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All future generations ahead. All the unborn generations collectively. All the people who will exist in the future. All succeeding generations. -Emeasoba George
Posterity is synonymous with offspring.
by Emeasoba George May 3, 2018
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A phrase usually stated during a basketball game in which one player embarasses another player by either vigorously blocking his/her shot or emphatically dunking over someone
(after somebody dunks over Kwame Brown)
Marv Albert: And (insert player name) puts Kwame Brown on the poster.

or simply

(in a mournful voice)
(player name)...........welcome to the poster
by Russell Baker May 27, 2008
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Term in Basketball when one player dunks emphactally on an opposing player or in their face.
French center Frederic Weiss became the ultimate definition of posterized in history by Vince Carter of team USA in the 2000 Sydney Olympics.
by Smitty69 February 19, 2013
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A user who authors a "post" in an online bulletin board.
by Jonathan Corley December 5, 2004
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Really hott chicks that just sit at parties, and do nothing but look hot, talk shit, text, dance for five seconds, and do absolutely nothing with guys. Compared to a poster, because just like a poster, you can only look at their inutile beauty.
Damn, look at dat poster over there doin' nuttin but postin'.

Look at dat poster sitting on another poster like a post-it note.

Man, you see that fine ass bitch over there sitting with her friends doing nothing but texting, ignoring guys, and gossiping. Yeah, don't talk to her she's a poster.
by Sonnybun April 25, 2010
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