someone you aren't dating but are messing around with.

Synonyms: sideline whore; friend with benefits
"Nah, we don't go out but she's still my pluggy. We had a great night last night, if you know what I'm sayin'"
by Jellybeen January 24, 2008
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(Noun) The state of being plugged in.
This word is not a verb, therefore cannot be used in sentences like The printer is pluggis the outlet. The only verb form if this is depluggerization, See depluggerizationor non-pluggis
1.The printer has achieved a state of pluggis.
2.Is neo in the matrix again?
Yes, he is pluggis.
3.(Disclaimer for a computer add)Disclaimer: The computer shown in this commercial is pluggis. Results may vairy if the computer is non pluggis.
by Sean "Aquos" Manning November 4, 2006
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(adj) the feeling of constipation after receiving anal sex.
I’m feeling pluggy after meeting up with the guys last night.
by vanishingly February 23, 2021
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a boy from mountain ash wales who uses a butt plug this is wat u can call him ;
plug, pluggy, shemale,bum,

other see quim lip
"oi pluggy you wank stain"
by bugle300 May 6, 2004
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The party game of plugging ones anus and chugging laxatives.
“Yo this party’s so boring
“Let’s play Pluggy Chuggy”
by Hawkray January 4, 2019
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The act of moving a cable between plugged/unplugged/plugged or unplugged/plugged/unplugged with a time delay inbetween.

1) If the cable is plugged in, a pluggy pluggy would then be: Unplug the cable, wait 30 seconds, plug in the cable.
2) If the cable is not plugged in, a pluggy pluggy would be: Plug in the cable, wait 30 seconds, unplug the cable.
Roommate A: The internet not workie workie.
Roommate B: Did you try pluggy pluggy?
Roommate A: Oh! I just did & now the internet workie!
by slopdogg September 22, 2022
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