this is a slang term for a toilet, toilette, urinal, pot-you-pee-in etc etc.....
1)sorry love can i use your piss pot??
2)ah i need to use a piss pot where is the nearest one??
by ami March 26, 2005
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A piss pot is a slang term which usually refersto a toilet, but can also refer to an actual pot that must be urinated into.
1) Hey, where'sthe piss pot? I'm bursting!

2) Ok, If you'd just like to take this pis pot and come back after you fill and hand it in to the nurse, please.
by Bedeb Aibcad April 22, 2008
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a helmet used for skating and biking that when turned upside down, resembles a pot
" are you taking your full face today?"

"nah in just gonna throw my piss pot on"
by dee94 April 27, 2010
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to piss into a bottle of something and give it to someone you hate.
that fuck head skulled that piss pot like it coke
by Savage_Goats_FC March 20, 2019
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A guy who likes the tits of cows! often refered to as a farmer who is lonely and cant get a date!
Get that piss pot away from my cows!
by ugly_0101010 May 13, 2005
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There was a girl named Casey Brown, she claimed no man could pin her down.

Over the hill came Piss Pot Pete with a hundred pounds of swinging meat.

Pete was fast and made a pass, stuck his dingey up Casey’s ass.

Casey was smart and ripped a fart, blew Pete’s dingey all apart.

Back over the hill went Piss Pot Pete with a hundred pounds of shredded wheat.
by Jimmythejerk April 1, 2018
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