pearl necklace

the glorious culmination of tit-fucking, in which you blow your nuts out all over a girl's tits, shoulders, neck, and, with any luck, chin. one of the highest expressions of love and affection bestowable upon a woman by a man.
Dashing Gent: Hey, I bet you'd look good in a "pearl necklace."

Big-Titted Dreamboat: Why, yes, I supposed you're right. Why don't you come on over to my place and baste my torpedo tits and elegant neck with your steaming hot man goo?
by tit obsessed wankophile March 1, 2003
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pearl necklace

when a man shoots his load around a womans neck area (thus resembling a necklace) after wanking off over her, between her tits or getting sucked off. then she pretends to enjoy it but only cos it's better than getting the load in the mouth.
he gave me a pearl necklace, it was a narrow escape!
by purl neck-lace October 7, 2003
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pearl necklace

The passionate result of a man wanking onto his lover's upper chest, neck and shoulders. Also the most wonderfully affectionate (and affordable) gift for a husband to bestow upon his wife on their wedding night.
Benny and Betty weren't rich by any means, but Benny loved to spoil his wife by giving her a pearl necklace whenever he could. Betty was generally appreciative, although not when Benny unexpectedly misfires and shoots her in the eye instead.
by Reginald Barrington July 29, 2004
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pearl necklace

when a guy cums on the girls neck making it look like a pearl necklace
last night i gave my girlfriend a pearl necklace
by big-nick June 13, 2006
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pearl necklace

latin: Peractio Sumptuosus
Most women ask themselves one question, "Spit or swallow?" Few ever consider this elegant, exciting finale to a successful hand- or blowjob. As the man ejaculates, the woman should pull his penis toward her neck and allow the beads of semen to form a milky, steaming necklace--a guaranteed jaw-dropper for any man. Small variations are key. Try concluding a morning blowjob this way, often called "giving him a 'Breakfast at Tiffany's.'"
from the book: Dirty Sanchez's Guide to Buck Nasty Sex
There is nothing, and I mean nothing, like a man who can deliver a perfect pearl necklace. Holding and releasing. The warm beads evenly spaced. The faint aroma. The matching earrings.
by Dirty Buck Nasty April 13, 2010
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pearl necklace

When a guy cums all over a girls tits, the glistening droplets simulate the appearance of a pearl necklace around her neck. i.e. "I pulled out at the last minute and gave her a pearl necklace."
i.e. "I pulled out at the last minute and gave her a pearl necklace."
by Withnail February 5, 2004
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pearl necklace

the act of ejaculating semen onto your partner's neck, they then appear to be wearing something that resembles a pearl necklace.
"dude, i was like totally screwing this chick and she asked me to give her a pearl necklace"
by jiggamon January 16, 2003
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