An utterance that a certain percentage of present youth have started using because they don't know what else to say and are substituting "oof" as an input. Other reasons for using "oof" are as follows: 1) "cattle effect use" -using it because one hears everyone else using it. 2) attempting to sound cool or interesting. 3) lack of anything else better to say.
I'm not an idiot but you are!

Oof! What?
by latternlumen December 1, 2018
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An utterance that a certain percentage of present youth have started using because they don't know what else to say and are substituting "oof" as an input. Other reasons for using "oof" are as follows: 1) "cattle effect use" -using it because one hears everyone else using it. 2) attempting to sound cool or interesting. 3) lack of anything else better to say.
I'm not an idiot but you are!

Oof! What?
by latternlumen December 1, 2018
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Oof is the word you say when you feel great, sad, weird, or mad. It’s also good to say when your depressed. Like this if you say the word oof.
bff: hey
me:hey *trips*
bff: *helps get back up*
by DONT TRUST HER June 11, 2019
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What someone says when someone gets in trouble
*smacks own head off of desk
teacher:Go To ThE fEkKiNg OfFiCe
other student: OOF
by ТоварищMoyer April 16, 2018
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The death sound of a victim from the Titanic.
Woah Jack totally went oof when he died.
by angryboiVEVO May 26, 2018
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oof, 15 year old virgins commonly use this word on snapchat or intsagram they usually use this word when their socially awkward and is too scared to ask out veronica
1. hey wanna go to the dance veronica
2. she siad no
3. OOF
by Kermit The Frog did yur mum October 30, 2018
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by MP.....MP February 20, 2019
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