by VooDooXII September 11, 2006
by SumYungGuy October 15, 2007
by WazPoppin October 8, 2021
“Ooh hell yea, oos oos cunt!”
“Yea righttttttt, oos oos cunt... you a pussy, actin’ all tough and Shit”
“Yea righttttttt, oos oos cunt... you a pussy, actin’ all tough and Shit”
by Oos oos cunt January 12, 2018
by aylay May 29, 2019
1)When something is too scary to handle you need everyone to know it's too scary.
2)A popular game played at lakes
2)A popular game played at lakes
by Jellyhands June 16, 2017
H*man 1: Let us cut down forests with heavy machinery in exchange for payment.
H*man 2: I agree.
H*man 1: First I shall consume a banana that was farmed by slave labor.
H*man 2: I shall do the same.
Both H*mans after eating banana: OO OO AA AA OO AA OO AA AA OO OO AA AA AA
H*man 2: I agree.
H*man 1: First I shall consume a banana that was farmed by slave labor.
H*man 2: I shall do the same.
Both H*mans after eating banana: OO OO AA AA OO AA OO AA AA OO OO AA AA AA
by Tumbleflop February 1, 2021