by Bearboy69 January 25, 2019
Npc energy (npc stands for "non-player character") is when people act like characters from a video game, more specifically open world adventure games. They act like characters that perform actions hard coded in the game to get the player doing a specific thing.
person 1 - "did you see that guy? he was going around talking to everyone about goats and kicking the bins"
person 2 - "yeah, thats some strong npc energy"
person 2 - "yeah, thats some strong npc energy"
by How To Play March 10, 2022
by I got some putin toe pics📸 April 8, 2023
When someone isn't aware of the one medium we share. They don't see the game of life and the players within it yet. They are unaware they are attached to a personal disharmony and they radiate this energy. Npcs are also known to have limited dialogue and to having little to no wisdom to act upon complex decisions . Many solo players disguise and often get mistaken as npcs
by asymtez May 14, 2022
Person 1: hey man I was just walking by why do you want to fight
Person 2: I can’t help it, I have Pokémon npc energy
Person 2: I can’t help it, I have Pokémon npc energy
by Cuchie lord March 27, 2019