by Masoud Tafahomi January 12, 2015
giving away the fact one has a crush by frequently mentioning the crush object in an "innocent" context.
Mentionitis as a warning sign:
"Boyfriend: let's go see Movie X
Girlfriend: Oh, Tony from the office saw that and liked it!
Boyfriend: How about pizza?
Girlfriend: sure, i saw Tony from the office having slice and am now craving one.
Girlfriend: I am leaving you for Tony from the office"
"Boyfriend: let's go see Movie X
Girlfriend: Oh, Tony from the office saw that and liked it!
Boyfriend: How about pizza?
Girlfriend: sure, i saw Tony from the office having slice and am now craving one.
Girlfriend: I am leaving you for Tony from the office"
by pseudoanu November 11, 2010
The inflation of a name used in your vocabulary when talking; usually at the beginning stages of dating someone. Mentionitis is when you can't stop mentioning someone.
H: "These are great cookies"
S: "Matt likes cookies"
H: "So I was looking at something online..."
S: "I got a cool link from Matt, lets check it out."
H: "so..."
S: "Matt blah blah blah Matt Matt Matt"
H: "Whoa you have a strong case of mentionitis"
S: "Matt likes cookies"
H: "So I was looking at something online..."
S: "I got a cool link from Matt, lets check it out."
H: "so..."
S: "Matt blah blah blah Matt Matt Matt"
H: "Whoa you have a strong case of mentionitis"
by Han's February 1, 2009
by onetntsis April 10, 2013
Katie: Yo, I was just at Manhattan Beach was so nice.
Wes: Oh yeah, I went there last week with a friend who parties with Eddie Van Halen's drug dealer....
Katie: Ewww. You're hideous.
Wes: Oh yeah, I went there last week with a friend who parties with Eddie Van Halen's drug dealer....
Katie: Ewww. You're hideous.
by Katie and Wes August 19, 2005
Equivalent to "you're welcome." A way to let a person know that the task you completed was not a problem and that you were happy to do it.
by hop_scotch July 24, 2009
by Alikhan May 12, 2008