The best bot list you can go on.
Hey have you heard of Glenn Bot List
by KieranTheFish March 8, 2020
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A list of all excursions and events you did on your bucket list that you would never do again
That zip line ride is now on my unbucket list
by Tamkin cpa December 6, 2018
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the Boofer Demon List is a geometry dash list that lists the hardest geometry dash levels made by Boofer or associated with Boofer. this includes Mita pita 3 and more
yo doggie you should go grind the Boofer Demon List
by BooferBTW August 15, 2024
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Similar to the infamous "reverse identity theft" strategy that a dishonest/selfish person uses in an attempt to avoid responsibility/prosecution for a crime that he did indeed commit, this type of sleazeball irrelevantly mentions the National "Do Not Call" Registry anytime he wishes to avoid having to deal with business/complaints which the local authorities or other 100%-legitimate parties have phoned him about and are attempting to discuss with him.
A National "Do Not Call" List abuser pretends that he honestly believes that any caller whom he doesn't want to talk to (cops, angry neighbors/businessmen, bill/tax-collectors, etc.) is just a nameless telemarketer in disguise, and who is merely posing as the real authority-figure who actually **is** needing to discuss some urgent/serious matter with him. This "Excuse me, but I don't believe that you're really ___; I suspect that you're just claiming that in an attempt to sell me something or pressure me into listening to your long-winded/hard-sell sales-pitch. I am on the National 'Do Not Call' list; please remove my name from your mailing-list" strategy can often be surprisingly effective, especially since many telemarketers and crank-callers actually **do** falsely identify themselves as a wronged individual or authority-figure in an attempt to compel the person whom they call to listen to them and/or be upset/intimidated, and so it is indeed conceivable that someone might automatically suspect that the unwelcome caller was merely an impersonator, especially if the person answering the phone had supposedly been of innocent mind and therefore had not expected to be contacted by anyone in authority.
by QuacksO December 17, 2017
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A term used ironically to describe a list of things that are not in and of themselves wack, but rather are the opposite of wack. A true Wack List will prompt a reader to say, "What? It's so wack that this list is called a Wack List, because this list is AWESOME."
"Did you hear about the Oscar nominees? Now that is a wack list!"
by wacklistcaptain June 27, 2013
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A list of people you are going to take a shit on
Person A: Noooo please don’t shit on me

Person B: sorry I have to I put you on my shit list
by Fishtitties August 25, 2020
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A woman's spank bank. Where a female places someone she find attractive for use at a later time. Like recognition on the Dean's list.
by Wudupyo11 April 21, 2023
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