
From Neanderthal.

Noun: Someone who holds power tools in disdain

Verb: To use brute force on, with hand tools.
If you don't have a jointer, just neander it with a scrub plane before you run it through the planer.


He's not big on Norm Abrams, he's a neander.
by Yitah January 28, 2004
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The tendency for men to resort to their primordial caveman tendencies when they are without women for an extended period of time.
Us guys went camping in the wild last week, and after a couple of days we were doing some serious neandering. Tom caught a 10" trout with his bare hands. Dick killed a squirrel by throwing a stone at it, and Harry started a fire by rubbing 2 sticks together.
by Philly Hockey Player June 19, 2014
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Someone that steers into your lane without using the signals of the car like a neanderthal
Honda Civic turns into my lane, almost crashes. "Mother fucker that guy just neandered into my damn lane!"
by RedlineLucario July 29, 2021
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An ape-like or primate way of analyzing, discovering, and creating through life with a limited sense of direction, tools, and skill set.
"He "neandered" his way through a music composition in hopes of coming up with something unique and useful for generations to come."
by Dlevy892545765 November 25, 2019
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A verb meaning to speak, act or otherwise behave in a manner resembling the primitive ape-like behavior of the Neanderthal predecessor to modern man; functioning with one's lizard brain.
Donald Trump seemed to relish the opportunity to neander his way through the first presidential debate of the 2016 election cycle, oblivious to how primitive his mysogynistic, racist and fat-shaming statements would be received by viewers.
by BeNotAfraid October 1, 2016
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an issue or a problem that has arisen by the fault or incompetence of a complete idiot.
Brian - "What the hell is this mess ive been emailed??"

Rick - "Oh yeah sorry i meant to tell you, that is a direct Neander-Fault from Brett in accounts"
by slendyc October 18, 2011
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Beta Simp who practices belief perseverance in the face of Red pill knowledge, facts and evidence.
The neander-simp continues to believe that hypergamy is not real
by RP Johnson December 16, 2024
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