if you know nathan nutter, kiss him right now. he will like it i swear. nathan loves kissies and he is the least problematic person ever. he also leads the nathan cult, on discord. nathan is a very good leader, he does not abuse his power unlike nathan #13 who is rude and doesn’t like anyone and is a simp. but it’s okay because nathan nutter puts him in his place and that’s all that matters. stan him.
“nathan nutter.”
“bro yes.”
i love him so much oh em gee
“no i love him more”
by i love anthan kiss me October 3, 2020
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“nathan nutter is owo
by i love anthan kiss me October 3, 2020
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nathan nutter owns slaves because he is a tyrant but a good one. nathan always supports his fans and we stan.
“nathan nutter is ugly
bruh no”
by i love anthan kiss me October 3, 2020
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Nathan is a masterpiece who owns the Nathan cult that consists of Nathan #1-13 plus many Nathan IA’s. Nathan can do no wrong and he is begdter than everiyboy else!!😻Nathan if you’re reading this i lvoe you🥴🥴🥴🥴pls marrie me
“i’m in love with Nathan Nutter Butter uwuwuwuwuwuwuw”
no me.”
“ok btw i hate Nathan #13🤑”
by i love anthan kiss me October 3, 2020
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