When you have lots of children working in the mines digging for resources.
Minors mining is the result of a country NOT having child labour laws.
by Motorway6 March 13, 2024
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the process or action of removing meat or key vegetables from a curry.
After Dan had finished curry mining the leftovers all that remained was a bit of sauce and a few pieces of onion.
by poldy December 7, 2010
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a female BOSS 1042 security officer that you do not want to mess with.
On her last day she arrested a mom with a baby. She is a Jass-Mine Marshall.
by Ada2m December 29, 2023
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Its when You're Stuck doing the bed of chaos for the 50th time and your starting to smell like a sweaty ass ball fish
Dam, Ray really got stuck in those fish mines last night!
by Fish Cave December 24, 2022
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Minela is one of a kind. She is incredibly beautiful but not only her outer beauty is attracting, she also shines from deep within, for she has a even more beautiful mind and heart. Strong. Independent. Loving - if you had to describe her character in 3 words. She deserves the world and she's ready to go and get it.
You are beautiful like a queen, like Mineli.
by Beauty001 November 22, 2021
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Usually a freaky and horny girl that's down to fuck there boyfriend whenever.
Everybody is lucky to have a girlfriend named Minelis in there life
by dwbtk April 16, 2023
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