Left Leg

World's most powerful killing machine, located directly beneath the pelvis and directly next to the right leg. Often seen kicking midgets, and possibly planning world domination.
Holy shit, that left leg kicked that midget's ass!
by Blooke October 8, 2005
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Left Leg

World's most powerful killing machine, located directly beneath the pelvis and directly next to the right leg. Often seen kicking midgets, and possibly planning world domination.
Holy shit, that left leg kicked that midget's ass!
by Blooke October 8, 2005
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Left Leg

Thing that goes totally numb after beating the fuck out of your dick so god damn hard.
I beat the fuck out of my dick so god damn hard that I can't even feel my left leg, my left leg has went totally numb.
by Mr_NRG16 October 5, 2020
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Left leg syndrome

When you beat your dick so hard your left or right leg went numb.
"Ahh man..."
"I think I have left leg syndrome."
by Suicide helpline April 4, 2017
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left leg dragging

heavy artillery that prevents a man from walking fast because of rested weight on the left leg.
Woman: Did you see that man walking down the street?

Woman's friend: Yes, and he was walking slowly.

Woman: He suffers from left leg dragging because he has a large dick!

Woman's friend: He is carrying serious weight!
by Princess L October 23, 2007
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Left leg lagging mitosis

When your that rocked off of your bonker that your left leg lags behind the rest of your body as you walk out of the club shitter
Look at that tosser walking out of the toilets! hes so fucked up hes got left leg lagging mitosis!
by weloveaxewound October 28, 2018
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Connys Left Leg🥩🧍

Connys Left Leg🥩🧍 is MY bbq she is pretty and swaggy 😜🤟 Connys Left Leg🥩🧍is very kind <3 i always enjoy talking with her.
i am your friend Connys Left Leg🥩🧍 but maybe we can be more 😳 - nah i'm just kidding ....
unless 👀
by 1-800stfu June 3, 2021
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