by loindibellis July 7, 2006
The act of filling a collegue, or partner's rectal cavity with diced calf, waiting 2 weeks, and using a turkey baster to extract said diced calf to allow the flow of feces to fall out of the anus.
You can reuse the meat if you wish.
You can reuse the meat if you wish.
by Franklen Ballace November 19, 2021
Any processed meat product that is formed into a tube shape by stuffing into an elongated, edible casing for consumption. Can be cooked and served in a wide variety of methods and combinations.
by lifeonearth February 21, 2012
a meat that is in some kind of tube form, usually made from some kind of mystery meat
ex: sausage, hot dogs, brats...
ex: sausage, hot dogs, brats...
by leanonpoop February 23, 2009