When going down on a girl, and you proceed to throw up on her coochie. It is the male version of the chunky waterfall. See antonym: chunky waterfall.
by schoolglue1234 September 7, 2014
It is southern slang for a vagina
by Llama Yawn September 21, 2015
The act of a male shitting on a female's vaginal area, then ejaculating on top of the said turd. The male then may or may not eat the freshly made entree.
I was horny, hungry, and had to take a shit at the same time, so I made myself a pink fresh meat taco. MMMmmmm....
by Steve-o and Tim May 15, 2007
by etymological emir October 31, 2009
nappy, black, balled up hairs, which resemble crumbled ground beef. Can be in the "kitchen" or on any part of the body.
by soozie February 3, 2005
by gee October 21, 2003