A woman who gets very nervous and is unable to eat anything around her crush.
Girl 1: Wow she looks like she's lost 10 lbs!

Girl 2: Oh, she gets totally manorexic every time the quarterback says 'hello'.
by BlaizeS October 4, 2007
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When a woman goes on an extreme diet and/or exercise regime, causing her to stop getting her period, lose her boobs, and generally become very man-like.
"She used to be really pretty, but now she's all manorexic"
by mizztalks2much May 26, 2009
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A man who starves himself for the sole reason of being able to fit into ridiculously tight boys-sized clothing.
While he sought to affect a look of sleek urban chic, his skin tight trousers, too short tie, and massively undersized wool sweater vest succeeded only in flagging himself as just another modern American manorexic.
by PBCHLS92 February 22, 2012
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Steve: dude I have to go to the gym because I am gaining too much weight
Frank: you are a manorexic, stop acting like a little bitch
Steve: you are right, lets get some wings at Brother Jimmy's
by bergali September 2, 2010
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A very skinny male.
Tom: Aww man, these pants don't fit anymore.
Jon: You wanna lose some weight, go on a diet, like Rick.
Tom: Rick is not on a diet, he's just a fuckin' manorexic.
by Dan Parnell April 15, 2008
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The slightly neurotic yet completely straight dude that refuses to eat certain desserts or asks about the carb count on his white bread, not because he is trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle, but because all that excess hydrogenation and those starchy grains are going straight to his thighs.
"Hmm...do you suppose this pita pocket is Best-Life approved?"

"I dunno, kid."

"Whatever, it's going straight to my thighs. I'm getting apples wedges. *slurps Diet Coke*

*Snorts* "Manorexic..."
by Jill A. February 9, 2008
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To deliberately starve oneself of men, avoiding them at all costs as a form of self-denial.
- Jenny used to be such a ho but lately she refuses to even look at a dude.

- yeah, she's depriving herself on purpose, even though she loves them. it's about control.

- what a manorexic
by j'quanda January 9, 2009
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