A person with rotton teeth, bad breath, spots and blackheads on their nose as a result of poor personal hygiene. Usually inbred and is either a burglar, car thief or sells pegs for a living. Drinks ace lager and wets the bed frequently.
by web master November 23, 2003
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When God sends people to the human beings to the North East of England, he sorts them into two groups, Geordies and Mackems, or sane and insane, or straight and gay, good-football-supporters and shite-football-supporters, etc.
What do you call one mackem on the moon?
A problem.

What do you call two mackems on the moon?
A bigger problem.

What do you call all the mackems in the world on the moon?
Problem solved.
by undisclosed March 1, 2004
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1)sadly obsessive seat counter who believes football matches are decided on historical attendence figures

2) citizen of medium sized industrial wasteland left cultutally stunted by living in the shadows of TWO vibrant areas with distinct identities.
1) "I see Sunderland got stuffed again"
"Yes but the MACKEMS will be happy with their bumper gate"

2) "I wouldn't fancy living in Baghdad". "Could be worse, you could be a MACKEM"
by PRT April 7, 2003
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a breed of the most pathetic, fat and ugly pile of shit people ever to have walked on the earth. they live in a shithole of a town called sunderland and they support the crappest football team in the world.
dont go to sunderland it's full of mackems
by *!?!* February 22, 2004
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That mackem's giro is burning a hole in his pocket
by Monkey February 3, 2004
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Sad mackem bastard,
your just a sad mackem bastard.
Sad mackem bastaaaaaaaaaard,
your just a sad mackem bastard.
They beat us 2-1, two season in a row and they brag on. Swear they done something.....now look where they are, a bunch of Nationwide loser!!!
by amo December 8, 2003
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(this is from a song) My mother died when i was only two years old, Fatha ran off to sea, with a bloke i'm told, Me sista is a prostitute, Me brother's doin' life in jail, still, Could have been worse, I could have been born a mackem
by Steven May 6, 2004
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