A wonderfull human whos adorable and precious in every way they can be a bit timid and a little fruity but overall are one of the greatest friend you could ever have
by No one will believe you May 20, 2022
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A human being worthy of all the love the world can offer and can be shy and a little (alot) fruity they may have there downfalls but they get throught them and are generally a very nice person who people adore
Daym you remind me of a luco
by No one will believe you May 20, 2022
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Being Gay and annoying af. Luco is a male version of thot.
Sam, can u stop acting like Luco, because you are annoying and not funny.
by dimashtomemer October 23, 2018
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Cockney rhyming slang for black man deriving from the drink lucozade. ie lucozade rhymes with spade
This big luco's come over, it's dark in there like, so I only knew he was in when he took off his shades and smiled at me.
by Doctor Balsam October 26, 2006
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When you spray a lucozade sport bottle with the squeeze caps at someone!
He Luco-Jizzed all over me!
by Fo-shizzler March 8, 2009
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Little Boy Who Likes To eat Pant and Sucks Jeffery Chongs Cock
by CuntGayBitchDady August 7, 2019
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