He acted in a lova manner, by donating the money to charity.
by Danny July 12, 2003
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1.) A Black female with fugly (Fu-G-Lee) teeth.

2.) A Online negro Female, involved in a Online-Relationship where thoughts of "Dating" is seen playing a Online MMORPG called "World of Warcraft."
3.) A female whore, usualy a black individual, who skanks around in an online game known as "WoW"
That Lova bitch is getting on my nerves. Someone grab a rope, lets head out to the oak tree.
by Dmb1027 November 9, 2011
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An oily person (meaning oily hands and har) who obtains this excess oil from eating large amounts of peanuts on a daily basis. Things that were touched by this person will typically have a greasy/oily peanut residue left on them.
The legume lova touched my paper and left a large greasy stain on it.
by Lion-Helmsley February 4, 2014
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When a female runs out of toilet paper and calls a simp over to finish the clean up job
Girl let me tell you how this dirty lova better then a bidet!
by T-Mac1994 April 27, 2020
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One who loves leather so much they find pleasure in getting leather covers for everything. Example: Cell phones.
Danica said she was a leather lova and to prove it she got a leather cover for her cell phone!
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When you're a little bit annoying but make up for it by being sexy.
Stop being sucha Lova Nanfeldt!
by A little devil May 25, 2021
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