3 definitions by Lion-Helmsley

Someone who is always making excuses, but all excuses seem to be irrational, or easily proved wrong on the basic premise of the excuse itself.
I assign a new user to a system, then when they can't access the system, I see that the password I issued has a double S instead of one S. Being irrationallyexcusive, I blame the keyboard for adding the additional S to the password.
by Lion-Helmsley February 4, 2014
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A person who is scared to drive their car in any inclement weather conditions due to an accident they experienced in the past.
The autophobic person was affraid to drive their car in the rain due to having met with accident on the route 84 at some point in the past.
by Lion-Helmsley February 4, 2014
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An oily person (meaning oily hands and har) who obtains this excess oil from eating large amounts of peanuts on a daily basis. Things that were touched by this person will typically have a greasy/oily peanut residue left on them.
The legume lova touched my paper and left a large greasy stain on it.
by Lion-Helmsley February 4, 2014
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