lil sis

An abbreviation for 'Little Sister'
hey! there's my lil sis
by MayHipster? September 4, 2015
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lil sis

Up and coming rap star and general celebrity, sidekick of Bubb Rubb. Famous for the WooWoo Remix, one of the hottest joints on the scene. Last seen on KRON News being interviewed about whistle tips.
Excerpt from WooWoo Remix:

The...whistles go woooo, woooo, woooo...the...whistles go woooo, woooo, woooo...Yeah, I gots one on my car...
by bubb rubb April 7, 2004
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lil sis

Bubb Rubbs less popular side kick who needs to understand that a whistler tip is not a decoration cause u cant see it
we do it fo decoration man jus fo decoration das it and das all
by me August 23, 2003
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lil sis

she was getting it installed on her car
yeeeaaaaaaaah, i got it on my car
by Kelly Stewart April 22, 2005
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Lil Sis

A woman short in stature but large in attitude, usually known for her abusive nature of grease monkeys.
There goes Lil Sis to the repair shop, man I am glad I don't work there.
by Showking66 July 21, 2017
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Lambda Lil Sis

The Lambda Little Sister program was created to become an extension of the Lambda Family ideal and help incorporate that ideal into the community. Through our program, the members of this family have come to experience a unique opportunity in which many students never get a chance to see.

Initially created to help promote the establishment of an Asian Sorority here on campus, the focus of the Little Sis program has changed.

Now the Little Sis program strives to give girls worthwhile social events to participate in, while developing bonds with the brothers of Lambda Phi Epsilon. Hopefully, in doing so, they also learn about fraternity and what it stands for.

Each Little Sis has a Big Bro that they should be able to look up to and also turn to for advice. Over the years, many friendships have developed.

Our Little Sister Program gives our little sisters an opportunity to develop strong relations with the brothers while providing a means in which they can help give back to the community through philanthropic events. It is through these experiences that we hope to instill the values of being in a family to our little sisters. Some of our goals include to:

-Build and maintain a meaningful relationship that will last throughout college

- Provide an alternative social group

-Provide a family for support

-Escape the cliques through opportunities to attend off-campus events
Lambda Lil Sis: hi haters =)
by lambda lil sis November 30, 2010
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