
A snowflake who is very easily offended and hates straight white men. If you don't think they're easily offended look at the other definitions of libtard
Emily: Masculinity is toxic!
Chad: Shut up libtard
by mewhenthewhen21 March 3, 2021
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1. A liberal who lacks intelligence.
2. A libertarian who lacks intelligence.
"Libtard" is hate speech and thus should not be used in sentences.
by teh teddie February 13, 2021
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A term that brainlets use to refer to other brainlets.
Rousseau'sDisgrace: "Trump is a facsist"
TrumpTard: "No Libtard!"
by M.CS.ME September 19, 2020
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Liberal trash. Dont take my word for it just ask antifa.
Libtards: did you just breath in nazi?
by FETUS 2002 August 16, 2019
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Libtard is an insult used by right-wing people against people who support liberal candidates. According to sources most libtards are democrats
Shut up you Libtard, Hilary Clinton shouldn't have won!
by BuCkWhEaTeAtEr February 17, 2018
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The moniker for liberals implying that their policies are retarded
Did you hear that Libtard on MSNBC last night?
by Barry Soetero October 24, 2010
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1. a pejorative term utilized by conservatives and some Republicans to insult Liberals specifically and Democrats in general. The term is portmanteau of 'liberal' and 'retard', suggesting that being a liberal is a mental deficit. The opposite of a libtard is a 'Retardlican' or simply, a Trump supporter.
Libtards tend to espouse useless concepts like equal rights for all, a social welfare net for all citizens, and not electing a reality tv personality to the presidency, or an accused rapist to the nation's highest court.

2. Anyone who uses facts to dispute conservative opinion.

3. Anyone who disagrees with a conservative at any time or for any reason.
That libtard kept using facts to disprove my deeply-held and unsubstantiated opinions
by 0Misterman October 12, 2018
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