
The person bringing education, common sense, and an understanding of the big picture to a conversation.
Trump: Global warming is a hoax
Libtard: Every single scientist disagrees with you. We need to address the climate change immediately or face catastrophic ramifications.
by Sintheeuh November 19, 2016
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A Libtard is a left-winged person whose arguments and ideologies can be debunked with common sense and five minutes of research to back it up.

a libtard is not a left winged person with solid arguments
"Men can't be raped" you fucking libtard
by Theonetruesavour November 27, 2021
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A Conservative's favorite word, especially those who don't practice what they preach and sit on their lazy asses all day long watching Hannity and O'Reilly; listening to Beck and Limbaugh, etc.

Saying (or shouting) "Libtard" is way for these types of Conservatives to "win" at any political argument/debate because it falsely establishes philosophical superiority by diverging away from hard facts and resorting to common name calling, which in turn, is a logical fallacy.
"And then why is America one of the last 1st world countries not to have Universal Health Care?"
"Whoa, hold on a sec. This is 'merica and I'm not having none of that libtard language 'round these parts!"
by SecondLifeMember July 14, 2013
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An uncreative insult usually used by conservatives. It is generally used on liberals, leftists, or really anyone that disagrees with the user.
That libtard is going on about the pros of socialism. Imagine wanting to have economic equality, amirite?
by t0x1c w4st3 April 22, 2021
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to get screwed over by a liberal who follows liberal tyrant policies
i can't believe you reported me to the school for a covid exposure and now i need to self quarantine. we didn't even hang out. i got libtarded:(.
by libblover111 December 5, 2020
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The word "Libtard" is commonly misused and misunderstood. Many conservative/republicans will use the term "libtard" to describe all liberals/democrats, but that is not correct.

A libtard is democrat/liberal/leftist who is STUPID. Keep in mind here that a preferred political ideology is NOT what makes someone a "libtard"- rather it is their IQ (or in this case, the lacking of IQ).

A libtard is often a hypocrite to their own opinions, but they get all pissy when called out on their bullshit.
I saw Jeff at that party with no mask on! - all he does on social media is bitch about how we should wear masks!

What a fucking libtard!
by bich boi March 23, 2021
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One who believes they and their cohorts will bring and need to bring change to the world via intolerance and questioning the validity or necessity of things and establishments that predate them and their thick skulls by decades, centuries and sometimes Millenia, but expect all their actions and opinions however ignorant they may be, to be tolerated. One who judges all but rejects judgment. Legends in their own minds, despise rules and limitations in any way shape or form and will resist anything they dislike via disruptive toxic behavior such as slander, stalking and harassment. Feel entitled to their opinions and feelings and present them as fact, but feel entitled to invalidate others who would also like to exercise their same God given rights, because when they exercise their rights, they are simply exercising their rights, but when people who aren’t like minded exercise their same rights, they ponder if everyone should have rights or if some people should have them and others shouldn’t (hint: anyone who doesn’t see things the exact same way as they do) Will talk over you and twist your words and announce untrue things loudly to try to gather a crowd. Will attack establishments they don’t like and say they need to go, but things that are equally as bad or have the same impact they complain about are a “necessary evil” if they happen to like them. One who wants to make rules for others but be exempt from said rules. See also “hypocrite”
The libtard tried to tell me what I think and how I feel, and when I gave rebuttal they started screaming and posturing and tried to incite a crowd by saying I was a racist. The origin of the argument was when I said impossible meat does not taste like a real hamburger.
by Observant Dude November 7, 2020
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