
Lasse has a hige dick and a handsame boy
Omg thats Lasse i wanna be like him
by Blæhhh October 13, 2019
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The sudden urge to create a YouTube-channel and steal other peoples thumbnails. Mostly done out of boredom, but can also be done out of pure desperation for a new identity.
Guy 1: "Bro I just made a sick YT channel".
Guy 2: "Bro you just did a Lasse".
Guy 1: "Broo.."
by Doooeh January 4, 2022
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A person that wants to hit every sexy lady in the world. That means a pervert.
"OMG you are a Lasse!"

"Stop being such a Lasse"
by iam2hot4u May 21, 2009
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The owner of the unoffical servers of discord bot maker.
Don't ping LASSE he is gonna ban you!
by August 4, 2018
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Plural of lass, girl version of Lads. (In UK: chav)
usually seen sporting polo or nautica shirts, nike air max or new TN's. seen on town hall steps or in your local maccas.
lass 1: oi brah, u gettin some esh tonite?
lass 2: yeh after i get an eedfay esshaayyz!

by LILINNAWEST September 23, 2008
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The kind of guy that would dedicate his life to maths and even go live in a cave so that he could study maths.

Lasses also knows the answer to everything, but they won't tell anyone.
Person 1: Hey, have you seen a Lasse somewhere around here? I forgot to do my maths homework.

Person 2: Try the library, I heard they set up a camp in there to study maths.

Person 1: Thanks man, I'll go have a look.

Person 2: Be careful though, they might try to convert you to become one of them.

Person 1: Ok, I'll be careful then, don't really fancy becoming a Lasse
by In_need_of_autonumber December 2, 2015
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verb, the act of eating out innocent girl's assholes without their consent of knowledge, usually for one's own personal pleasure.
Hey I totally Lassed that girl while she was passed out at a party, she never even knew I was lassing her, but I sure did!
by Erin Foley July 13, 2009
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