
eg. The lary England supporters goaded the police, cursing loudly and throwing rocks.
by malathia December 28, 2005
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British slang.

Loud, using magnified and exaggerated actions. Often alcohol-induced.
How many pints did you have last night? You were very loud and lary!
by BIOStheZerg January 25, 2016
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omg she's a lari!
by Anonymous May 6, 2003
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This is a name of a guy who is normally Finnish. He is incredibly glorious but sees himself as just an ordinary boy. Everyone, especially all the girls would love to be around him, but he sees through pretense and gives his time for only the precious ones. He is very clever and polite, and would never hurt anyone. They get totally hilarious when they're joking. Their loved ones mean the world to them, and they do everything to make their family happy and safe. When they start something, they always accomplish it properly. His smile takes your breath away, and his muscular figure makes you want to fall in his strong arms.
"Who's that guy lifting those weights?"
"Oh that's Lari. You wouldn't survive a single workout in his tempo..."
by Neeasesi July 10, 2015
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A rare name, one of the sexiest person on earth 🔥
by DopeReapz June 13, 2020
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Lari is a girl with the most beautiful smile and soul you’ll ever see. She is the kind of girl who brightens up your day, she can also always make you laugh. Lari is extremely beautiful and intelligent, even though she has no idea. She is mostly known for always taking care of the people she loves, even if that means putting herself into second plan.
Lari has made me smile today.
by Rafinha October 9, 2020
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to twirl your hair incessantly while being high
I'm so lari right now, my hair's all messed up!
by Terri and Lyn May 13, 2005
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