1) An eloquent way of calling a guy a dick head
2) A lying, cheating bastard, usually hailing from New Jersey
3) A guy who drives around in a car mommy and daddy bought, with a "Bella" license plate
I still can't believe the shit he pulled, he's a La Douche...

He is beyond Dick Rude, he's what we call a La Douche...
by Turnhead May 27, 2010
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french word for shower....but also an excuse to say 'douche' in front of your mom.
kid- she's such la douche...
mom- what'd you say??
kid- shower...*shifty eyes*
by coolchick May 28, 2005
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es la douche?
(where is the shower?)
by Anaba May 28, 2005
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A Douche from Los Angeles. Works in the film industry and usually drives a convertible and wears a bluetooth. On the east coast the LA douche is perceived as a person who thinks they are better than everyone else. They are usually not given any attention.
*Tom Cruise is an LA Douche.

*Mark Wahlberg, originally from the east coast has now become an LA Douche.

*A person who goes to school in LA and returns home to the East Coast is now an LA Douche and must be exiled.
by Bronze Bro June 1, 2012
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Overly aggressive cyclists who ride fixed gear (single gear) road bikes and are generally employed as bike couriers. They have an elevated sense of importance and entitlement to the road and endanger everyone around them by running red lights, weaving between cars and getting irrate when anyone objects to their douchy ways. Their mortal enemy is the taxi driver, though they have a stong hatred of all motorists.

You can spot them at stop lights trying to impress everyone with their little balancing act, trying not to touch the ground with their feet (they will claim they do this to avoid unclipping their clip-in bike shoes). Their traditional garb includes 80's biker caps (they are far too cool to ever wear helmets), courier bags, bike shorts and ironic t-shirts.

If you see one approach at your own risk. They are known to fly off the handle or, at the very least, say something sarcastic. The best way to trap one is to lure them close with a tall boy of Stiegel of a bottle of Labatt 50 and then club them over the head with a U-lock.
Look at that Fixie la Douche who just cut off that old lady and then punched her car window for honking at him! What a prick!
by Chiefwiggy September 2, 2009
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Originaly a character from the show MXC. Use when something gay happens or something you dislike, which you then say "Guy la douche ass"
Dude Tom just skeeted on your tooth brush, response = "Guy La Douche Ass"
by guy la douche ass November 18, 2007
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