
Man, you know where I can find some jojo?
by Tiny Elvis September 19, 2007
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Jojo is a nickname used for the great quality, expensive diamond watches made by Joe Rodeo, a diamond company in New York. They are known for making flashy hip-hop style watches worn by the likes of Bow Wow, 50 Cent, etc.
Damn look at Fiddy's Jojo. That must have cost a fortune!
by ersh1313 December 13, 2007
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the most ugliest loner creep in the world. ugly, childish and rich
omg she's such a jojo
by koeka April 3, 2017
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Jojo is such a cool and amazing person, I bet their/his/her/it’s/etc. parents are proud of Jojo and have a loving relationship with them.”
by jojo/cat/kat May 8, 2022
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A midwestern US term for grabbing the waistband of someone's underwear from the back and pulling it up as high as possible while screaming "JOJO!"

A.K.A. wedgie, snuggy.
"I jojo'd Dave so bad he'll be shitting fruit-of-the-looms for weeks."
by eats February 28, 2010
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a term used to describe a nasty vagina
jake smells like dirty jojo
by wonka 1231 December 8, 2006
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A simple term to call someone that is a shitty indy or professional wrestler. Also known as a yarder.
Guy 1: "Damn, that kid is a jojo."
Guy 2: "Get that jojo out of the ring".
Guy 3: "So this jojo was firing up on me and I short-arm clotheslined him".
by Stone666 February 5, 2009
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