V:The Act of being froogle.
My father Jewing it up, and did not buy me the lacrosse stick i wanted.
by Dylan H. #5 March 26, 2007
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The act of being jewish. Such as picking up pennies. You must know before it has been done though.
You could also before curling your hair.
Example 1:

Tommy Kiole: Hey im going to pay for gas. Did you bring money?

Johnathon Flotie: Na, ill probably look around on the ground and start "jewing it up"

Tommy Kiole: Alright.

Isahia Hebrewburg: I take offence to that!

Johnathon Flotie: We don't give a shit, Damn jew.

Isahia Hebrewburg: I'm gunna' kick your ass!

(50 cal. is shot from distance, peirceing the snorty jews brain, killing him)

Everyone there: hahaha, damn jews.

Example 2:

Brianne: Finally we are at the plastic surgen! What kind of nose should i get? Big, small, or medium?

Louise the Prejudice Lady: What the hell? Why don't you curl your damn hair, and pick up pennies, and start being good at math too, if you get a big ass nose?

Brianne: What are you talking about?

Louise the prejudice: Im just pretecting you, i don't want my best friend to start "Jewing it up"
by Jew Burner 666 November 7, 2011
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Going to a place and making everything gay and retarded.
Isaac went to the mall and was jewing it up.
by Lolz12234 September 23, 2011
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After being unfairly fired from his job, Kevin decided that the best course of action was to jew up and take his employer to court.
by b0bbydigital May 10, 2006
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If an object, person or thing is called or preserved to be "Jewed Up", It usually means that it is fucked up, destroyed, messed up, or just generally broken or retarded to some degree. Occasionally one may replace the simple "I don't know why it's broken." to "This things fucking jewed up to the max!" In order to illistrate that they have no idea as to why the object is in the current condition.
(Guy 1) Hey man, lets see your robot.
(Guy 2) Fine, there's something wrong with it though.
*robot starts going forward then comes to a complete stop and starts spinning in circles for no perticular reason.*
(Guy 1) AHAHAHA! That things fucking jewed up!
by ubersoldier December 26, 2008
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Verb The act of an allegedly slighted individual retaining a high priced consortium of attorneys.
"Why you step on my Bapes, bitch? I mo Jew up and sue yo ass!"
by ThrillKill September 24, 2009
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