The religious practice of believing only what you can prove.
I can't believe in space, I have decided to follow jeranism.
by Henry Hernandez III January 8, 2017
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The religious practice of blindly believing in something without any factual proof or evidence .
I can't understand space or science . so I have decided to follow jeranism and rant about flat earth theories online .
by anonymous common sense July 27, 2017
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The most absolutely attractive man you will ever see. Basically the dream dude with a 17 incher. He is so unbelievably attractive that you’ll have a waterfall within seconds.
by Word of the n November 18, 2020
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(, pulling a) when someone goes to the bathroom and you here them pee
What's that noise? Oh it's Joe peeing, he's pulling a Jeran!
by Didyounameit? November 1, 2010
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Being dumb enough to believe the earth is flat / someone who is dumb enough to think the earth is flat

Variations like “jeranist May exist as well

(Also the name of a prominent flat earther)
You know that guy believes in jeranism right?
by That guy 8===D December 8, 2018
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