To steal something when the affected party is present, but not paying attention.
"Hey Joe, I just janked Bill's iPod while he was in the bathroom!"
by slangjoker92 March 13, 2007
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pertaining to fraud, esp. in San Francisco.
1)Did you pay cash for that suite at the Ritz Carlton or did you JANK it?

2) I just rented a brand new Bentley on JANK.
by baddff September 24, 2017
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to describe something as bloody creepy and/or something you happen to dislike
boi 1: damn this food Doris made is horrid
boi 2: you Cld say its janked up

boi 1: some true janky shizzle m88
Doris: those guys have jank taste
by Minkie-moo jackson February 13, 2017
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A word that a fat bitch would use all the time
Boy: “how was your day today”
Harper: “jank”
Boy: “wtf you fat bitch
by Harper fb May 19, 2022
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excessively ghetto
that comb tooth that you used to keep you tongue ring open while you were in jail was jank!!
by hitman hooker May 14, 2010
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adjective - terrible, crap, worthless, moronic, shitty.
Man wtf, Aven Shrine is such jank.

Why do i always have to get all these janky cards in sealed.

Next time i see someone pull that jank again, im gonna cut em with artificial evolution.
by tgoodz May 9, 2003
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once upon a time sir Jank-a-lot was walking down the street and he noticed an old derelict shed commonly known as 'the studio' which was run by 3 young men, immediately sir Jank-a-lot knew that this was a place of greatness, so he took over the studio by force and renamed it the jank!
the jank looks good today
by the janque October 24, 2013
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