A universal "tag question" to replace all the others (isn't it, doesn't it, wasn't it, weren't they, aren't we wouldn't you, etc) and about bloody time too! While the French have n'est-ce pas and the Germans nicht wahr, we have all these different tags that make English that much more difficult to learn as a second language. What a pity it has been stigmatised by the antichav brigade ie a bunch of snobs with a trendy new hat for their class prejudices.
Be good if there was just one universal tag question innit
by Pedanta May 19, 2006
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Word used by chavs/pikeys/townies/muggers and of course the 15 year old teenage boy, walking through the baby section in mothercare.
Means "isn't it" well thet's the theory. Of course it's general usage is for "yes, i agree!" or "That's exactly what that private school kid said to me!"
1: ey man! that kid'as all ova' me!
2: ya mon, da kid is noots!
1: Innit blad 'e was so like in ya face 'n' all dat
2: ya mon, an'e knows dat he He' well bangt up for it lata!
1: innit man dat woman's got an 'an'bag!
2: roon!
by Gabbbzzz January 27, 2009
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When someone is too damn lazy to say isn't it properly.
RandomGuy1:"I LOVE FOOD!"
by You wouldnt care about my name December 29, 2017
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blahh blahh blahh innit
by Joey February 17, 2004
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Expressing agreement or conformity within a chav community. Also used as a comparitive phrase or additional word trailing the sentence.
by Parallax July 3, 2003
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People sometimes say this at the end of they're sentence, meaning you get me.
"Nah i went round to Shekka's ouse innit"
by Abz_Da_Fit_1 June 28, 2005
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a way of saying aint it or isnt it, but you say it like a chav.
Oi the new mandem on tha block are so gay innit bruv.

Im heading up to corner shop to get 50p coke innit man.
by CHAVMAN19 January 28, 2018
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