A word derived from imagination

It means a girl or boy who to you is out of your imagination and is what you would search for in a person. They are essentially your imaginations dream lover in a sense.
John- you know susan your an imagi

Susan- same to you your my imagi
by Skezzy212 December 31, 2020
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Someone who has a large, overactive imagination.
The Imagient has created a very imaginative, and creative story.
by Azerbend December 9, 2007
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a cool word to use instead of imagine
person one: “imagie”
person two: “imagie dragons
by paisley2242 June 23, 2022
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the country where my girlfriend is, and yours too
1- Hey where's your girlfriend?
2- in another country
1-Which country?
2- Imagi-nation
by Broken aF June 29, 2019
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To masterbate to mental images as apposed to actual pornography.
Guy 1: Dude, I found some awesome porn last night! You should check it out!

Guy 2: Ah damn, my internet's down so I'm rockin' the imagi-wank at the minute...
by FunkStuff December 1, 2007
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Imagiman: pronounced imaji-man: A guy who tries to give off the image that he's a big man, but in reality is a piece of shit. When all is said and done, the only person he is able to convince is himself.
That guy is the biggest imagi-man I've ever seen...He acts like he's so respectful, sweet, and honest, But all he does is insult and sometimes hit his girlfriends, lies to them and cheats on them, He puts on one helluva front though, Doesn't He?
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A confused, angsty magickian who cannot understand physics, is often found lurking around crimethinc messageboards, and is sometimes attracted to Fillipino boys.
That gar imagi sure knows a lot about tan anarchy.
by oh oh! December 4, 2004
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