Used to describe the state of being smashed, hammered, drunk, shitfaced, wasted, sloshed, trashed, stupid, intoxicated, inebriated, tipsy, plastered, plowed, tanked or blacked.

In reference to the lack of full brain power once intoxicated. Reading takes focus. Figure it out.
Dude, he only got with her cause she was illiterate.

I've got two thirties; let's get illiterate.

Man, I was so illiterate last night I pissed the bed.
by mmmmmmh November 23, 2009
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A person from a 3rd world country whole is unable to read or write... due to lack of eduation (usually can't afford to pay for schooling)!!
3rd world children in india about 40% of the population can't read or write!! so they are illiterate
by Ashamaley February 24, 2006
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Jamie says:
your a fucknut

Jamie says:
your the first one
by Mr. T February 21, 2004
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Someone who doesn't know and will probably never learn how to work a computer or any form of technology, i.e video games, cell phones, microwaves, etc.
Mother: Honey, where's the space bar?
Teen: Mom, its the biggest key on the keyboard.
Mother: Oh thank you, that really helps a lot.
Teen: *Sighs* Mom, you are so technologically illiterate.
by Frostgirl117 February 6, 2011
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An abusive illiterate is a very low life stage of human or know as a Rowan Cuntingham who think being abusive to women while in a relationship or abusing a child the ages of and between 10-17 years old is a perfectly fine thing to do then after a week play it off as if nothing happened. While on the illiterate behalf is on the lower brain ability to the point of not being able to read a 2 page babybook with no words or write the simplest of words such as him ,her, the, it and so on. An abusive illiterate is not a person you will or would ever want to involve yourself with.
"Tim: That Rowan hit her and her son and played it off as If it was nothing"

"Jack: i know and all because he was jealous that they could spell They and he couldn't"

Abusive illiterate
by Dill_dough November 1, 2020
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