
another term for the words: alright, aight, and k.
That car looks iiii from the front.
by Lu3 May 25, 2009
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The text version of flipping someone the bird
by mr paddy June 3, 2009
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Your mad at you spam shift while typing exclamation marks

Don’t buy this game!
by your real name hehe April 17, 2021
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an absolute madlad. the coolest of cool. a true pimper of chimps. ngl hes not tall and sux at among us js
*reports body* "I just saw Robert Melvin Hopkins IIII leaving the office, body was at vitals."
"I-I-I-I-I dontknowwhatyouretalkingaboutIjust-" *leaves game*
by トロイメライ September 17, 2020
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IIII also known as “The column of obstinacy” is an incorrect form of writing number 4 in Roman numeral system.

This incorrect form can be found on clocks. The reasons for using this notation are as follows:
1. The visual balance. With I, II, III, IIII, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI combination, you obtain three identical areas on the dial, each of them using the same kind of numerals.
2. Easier for the average un-educated civilians. Back in Ancient Times and the Middle Ages, only a small portion of the population was able to write, read. This might be a way to explain the use of IIII instead of IV.

Because of this IIII can be used to represent one’s willing ignorance. Someone doesn’t want to change their view of life because it’s easier to live in error than to change.
Someone with such mindset can be described as a fourminded.
I can only describe you as IIII (being fourminded).
by Ressthale May 4, 2024
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