a word that is used to scream at the top of your lungs when quoting lines from Spongebob Square Pants; until you get hit in the head by a brick!
by kai-lan April 8, 2009
What's all the hooplah about?
by The Keeper of the Cheese October 18, 2003
by Ryan March 8, 2003
by Rohde March 27, 2005
Once termed as a phrase from Spongebob.
Truely is a verb meaning "To fuck shit up my nigga".
Stephen pintauro coined it in while sticking his penis up Geri Waskevish's goochie.
Truely is a verb meaning "To fuck shit up my nigga".
Stephen pintauro coined it in while sticking his penis up Geri Waskevish's goochie.
Stephen: HOOplahhhh!! (as Mrs Mac fingers herself to saying LOGGARITHM to the sneezers in ALgebra 2)
by Michaela Sheets February 5, 2010
by Ryan March 8, 2003
a gesture made when trying to annoy a couple making out in a pool by jumping over them and yelling hooplah!
by hooplah lover July 24, 2009