by From De Bay By July 16, 2004
Searching the web a million times looking for the definition of harse has often revealed that harse is in fact just a misspelling of harsh.
Hey Kirk, I've searched the fucking web for Harse again and 90% of the hits are fucking bastards that can't spell.
by Not Roy July 16, 2004
by From De Bay By July 16, 2004
When I was young, my father didn't want to swear in front of the kids. He used to say arse, instead of ass. After a few years, the kids knew what he meant when he said arse, so he had the ingenuity of changing arse to harse. That's the best explanation I can come up with, but most likely it is just because he is a harse and likes to make up words.
by Harse July 7, 2004
A hypothetical half-hare half-horse.
by Twitch Bunny May 9, 2008
An awful word, and if spoken directley at you. Immediate retaliation with a open handed slap is then in order,
Note: Has the effect of finger pecks.
Note: Has the effect of finger pecks.
by harses harses harses November 19, 2010
by Harsenal February 18, 2023