An adjective which describes someone who is very bad at a game, especially a video game. Usually refers to COD4 or any other fps.
Tom you're so gurne at this game.
by gutenedawg March 12, 2009
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The grotesque face a person or creature pulls when they are absolutely fucking pinging.
James: Fuckin hell boys that's a mad pill.
*10 mins later*
James: gurning
by weaponised_autism July 14, 2019
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The act of ones jaw vibrating, clenching or protruding. This happens whilst under the influence of various drugs such as MDMA, Ecstasy, Speed etc. The morning after gurning all evening is very painful, and this is how people ruin their teeth on drugs.

The person who is under the influence usually chews on gum to stop themselves clenching or to stop their constant chomping on their bare teeth.

Too much gurning can lock-up your jaw in which it cannot move at all.
"I was on a major gurn out last night, mate."

"I've fucked my teeth from gurning"
by Crumpits March 30, 2009
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The muscle tension in the face that usually ends up with the jaw and tongue rolling and teeth grinding as a result of amphetamines.
Argh, I'm gurning! My jaw's gonna hurt in the morning!
by Nekromekanik May 22, 2005
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The uncontrollable mouth movement caused by certain drugs. without the aid of chewing gum can result in serious interior mouth damage.
mate these pills are banging, got some proper gurning going on
by rooney425 July 11, 2008
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Gurning started in 1267 in Cumbrian town called Egremont as part of the crab fair. The best gurners are people without teeth who can force their bottom lip over their nose, making breathing somewhat difficult. It is important to remember a champion gurner comes from the contrast of their normal face and their gurning face. This gives people of all types of face a good chance.

On a personal note gurning came to Blackheath London in 1995 when a gurning employee at our computer firm started practicing gurning computer monitors (a special branch of gurning known as marping). This cost the company in damaged monitors, but sparked interest in going to the gurning fair, and now we go every year for a relaxing few days in Cumbria. In recent years the gurning fair has been replaced by trips to pubs and tea rooms (:).
Gurn it good.
You old gurner you.
by Gurn Blanstone July 10, 2006
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to gurn;gurning is when you have took ecstasy, cocaine or amphetamin which has resulted in your jaw moving from side to side 'rocking'. this is when you are gurning.
"wow, im gurning off that e' mate"
"check that gurner over there"
"your going to gurn in a minute"
by mr drug addiction September 2, 2008
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