An explosive mixture of charchoal, saltpepper and sulfur in a ratio of 75:15:10. This is used for fireworks, rocketry, and bullet propellant. Gunpowder was invented by Chinese alchemists in the 9th century AD.
by werwertwgg432 January 17, 2005
Matias: The bros and I are gonna get some gunpowder this weekend.
Cassandra: Oh, you're getting a gun?
Matias: Hell no! I don't believe in violence. I just can't afford oxys anymore.
Cassandra: Oh, you're getting a gun?
Matias: Hell no! I don't believe in violence. I just can't afford oxys anymore.
by Cassandra Q October 19, 2011
An old British Royal Navy toast when women are not present. Refers to two things that are indispensible to maritime warriors.
by RFN October 19, 2008
A: "So, how was your date?"
B:"She made me a gunpowder milkshake."
A:"Whoa, that sounds amazing!"
B:"It's really not."
B:"She made me a gunpowder milkshake."
A:"Whoa, that sounds amazing!"
B:"It's really not."
by induna_crewneck March 16, 2021
1) A high-caffine type of tea
2) The name of a punk band, consisting of Billie Joe Armstrong from Green Day, started in California.
2) The name of a punk band, consisting of Billie Joe Armstrong from Green Day, started in California.
by LydiaR December 17, 2006
by TdDub September 2, 2015
A Scottish game in which participants attempt to convince others that something was invented and named after a man named Ian.
Person A: "Did you know that the number zero was invented by the Canadian mathematician Dr Ian Zero?"
Person B: Really?!?
Person A: "No you bawheed, I'm playing Ian Gunpowder"
Person B: Really?!?
Person A: "No you bawheed, I'm playing Ian Gunpowder"
by sheep1989 November 25, 2016