
A gay dating app, mostly used for hookups.
Camilla: What’s this grindr app shawn?
Shawn: Please don’t leave me, I’m not gay! I promise!
by depressedtwinkhehe January 1, 2021
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If gay is a city, Grindr is the slum that you avoid. Here you will find the most racist, sex-obsessed sluts who only care about vanity.
Grindr is the most toxic platform ever.
by Chalga database January 12, 2023
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they were grindring from 9am to 11pm at coffee bean and tea leaves.
by cooliosballs June 1, 2018
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A Christian bible studying app for very christian people
Pope Francis: Hey James have you looked at Grindr?
James: Yes and I love looking at it.
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An iPhone/Android app for men who like sandwiches. Typicality they will meet in public restrooms and use a glory hole to shove the sandwiches through. Then they are eaten.
Man : “See you later honey, I’m going to meet up with a buddy I met on Grindr.”

Wife : “Isn’t that an app for gay hook ups?”

Man : “No, it’s for guys who like sandwiches.”
by Alaskan Steamroller May 3, 2018
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The act of using the phone application Grindr which bisexual and gay men use to meet others for sexual encounters.
Wes was grindring all last night trying to find a booty call.
by pred69 December 11, 2011
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Location based iPhone/iTouch App for gay, bi, and curious men to meet. Uses GPS technology in your iPhone and WiFi in iPod Touch to determine your exact location and instantly connect you with guys in your area. View pictures, stats, and map locations at a tap. Totally discreet because Grindr doesn’t ask for your email address or require account registration.
Willy: Omg I have to show you the guy I hooked up with last night he was so hot!
Bobby: Omg, how did you meet him?!
Willy: On grindr! lol
Bobby: Fabulouss!
by youravgmo November 1, 2009
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