by dEadERest|ASWP November 26, 2016
Being on the same wavelength as someone, being mentally in-synch with someone, or working really well together.
by mangodaiquiri October 2, 2009
Guy 1: Hey dude, what were you just doing in there?
Guy 2: Ah, nothing. Just gelling.
Guy 1: I see. I might go do some gelling later too.
Guy 2: Ah, nothing. Just gelling.
Guy 1: I see. I might go do some gelling later too.
by A mothafuckkin starfish December 20, 2013
by September 7, 2003
by SuperGdawg January 21, 2014
Product thats like jell-o that will cover your system for a drug test when taken with bottle of water.
by drrebel September 23, 2009