
This defines anyone who has hogged so much needless space next to the pump they are using that it prevents me from using the pump behind them. This also defines anyone who after pumping gas leaves their car there to go into the store while I sit behind you...waiting to pump gas.
This guy is really going into the store now after pumping gas WITHOUT moving his car? What a gasshole.
by BionicKid May 24, 2014
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Any individual who does something stupid to disprupt a reasonably orderly line of desperate but otherwise patient people who are trying to get fuel in a crisis.

A term coined by Patrol Sergeant Myron Gaudet during the aftermath of Hurricane Ida.

He came up with the word after watching first responders having to intervene in incredibly stupid disturbances at gas stations following the storm.
That gasshole is going to jail after starting a fight by trying to cut in front of a hundred people in line.
by Myga1123 September 2, 2021
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An asshole that is dependent on large amounts of gasoline in order to drive around aimlessly all day in their gas guzzling vehicle.
That punk is a gasshole-olic because he drives around all day in his tricked out HUMMER by himself just to show off and make up for his shortcomings, like his tiny pecker!!
by arlinm June 12, 2006
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the person who pulls up to the gas pump and forgets what side their gas tank is on.
Before he filled up his car with gas for the first time, I told Joe to make sure he knew what side his tank was on so he wouldn't pull up to the wrong pump and look like a gasshole...
by asbqueen March 14, 2011
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Someone who turns into an asshole when they think they are wasting gas. The opposite of a gas guzzler.
He said he didn't want to waste gas giving me a ride to my friends house, he asked me why they couldn't pick me up, he's such a gasshole.
by Swal O. Miload July 19, 2013
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Someone who slams on the gas to pull in front of - or purposefully obstruct - you or someone else.
Whoa! That gasshole just cut in front of me.

That gasshole just blocked me from changing lanes.
by NonstopToxic December 6, 2017
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a gaslighting asshole - a person whose mean manipulative tactics are empty hot air attempts to convince you their personal mistakes are your own misgivings
Jeez Mark, you're being a total gasshole!
by Lord Buxomberries November 13, 2024
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